The Most Interesting Spring Facts for Kids (2024): Nature & Traditions
Updated January 21, 2024
Welcome springtime with interesting and fun spring facts! Children encounter the magic of spring from March through June in the Northern Hemisphere. Help children connect to the wonder of sunnier days, warmer weather, blossoms, and busy animals. The experiences of springtime in childhood can last a lifetime.
Facts to Introduce Spring
The transition from cold, grey winters to bright, warm springtime is a full sensory experience. Curious kids will love exploring the changes in nature. They will likely ask questions about why the seasons change and how we will know spring has arrived.
Activity: Explore the moon cycle, sunrises, or sunsets. Try tracking the moon cycle, looking at the full moon, or celebrating the first day of spring by watching the sunrise.
Spring Traditions
Activity: Spring is about starting new, so create a new annual tradition. Also, plant a tree on Arbor Day. And do a litter clean-up on Earth Day.
Spring Animal Facts
In springtime, animals and bugs are busy. They wake up from hibernation, build new homes, and grow their families. This time of year is incredible for observing critters and their behaviors. These spring animal facts will tell you what to keep an eye out for.
Activity: Nature scavenger hunts and bee activities are a perfect way to explore and learn about animals in springtime!
Spring Weather Facts
One of the most iconic parts of springtime is the weather. There can be snow, sunshine, heat, storms, wind, and rainbows. This time can be great for helping children learn about weather and weather patterns.
- Create a color-coded weather tracker using a blank calendar.
- Assign different types of weather a color.
- Color each day’s square to match the day’s weather.
- At the end of the month, talk about what you observe.
Spring Plant & Fungi Facts
During springtime, plants and fungi are busy too. Springtime is a wonderful time for observing how plants grow and develop. When the ground thaws, kids can learn about mushroom foraging too. Flowers have some pretty interesting characteristics, and I share even more in our list of fun flower facts.
Activity: Explore these 40 hands-on plant activities.
How do you explain spring to a child?
Spring is one of the four seasons or times of the year. It happens from March to June. The weather gets warmer, animals are busier, and plants grow and bloom.
Children learn best through sensory experiences. The best way to explain springtime is to describe how the season affects their sense and lives. Open-ended questions are great for leading these conversations
Describe or Ask About
- How the warm, sunny weather feels
- How the snow looks when it’s melting
- Plants sprouting from the ground
- Flowers blooming on trees
- Birds building nests
- Celebrating a spring holiday
What are the first signs of spring?
Some of the first signs of spring are melting snow, green sprouts, growing tree buds, and busy insects.
I hope that you found the perfect thing to spark a conversation somewhere in this list of interesting spring facts. Our spring facts PDF will prepare you and your classroom (or child!) to explore the spring season.
If you share any of these with your child, please comment and share any adorable, hilarious, or brilliant ways they responded.