Easy Social Games for Babies: Promote Communication and Happiness
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Key Points
- Social games are play-based activities that promote communication and interaction between babies and their caregivers.
- Social games promote baby social skills including communication, imitation, co-regulation, and observing play.
- Keep social skills activities simple, but use my tips to get powerful benefits for babies.
Babies are born ready to connect with the people in their world. Parents and teachers can use social games to instill skills like communication and empathy through play.
As a developmental therapist, I know that infants first need a social connection with caregivers before building other developmental skills.
Social Games for Babies
What Are Social Games? Social games are play-based activities that promote communication and interaction between babies and their caregivers.
Let’s explore favorite (and easy!) social games for babies to do at home or in the classroom.
Social Skills Examples
What Are Social Skills for Babies?
Babies are learning the most basic of social skills. Still, these skills are the significant foundation for a lifelong ability to interact with other humans.
- Communication: Fussing when hungry, looking at a favorite person or toy, using baby sign language, and reaching to be picked up
- Watching faces and eye contact: Noticing changes in a loved one’s facial expression, then reacting or imitating.
- Following directions through imitation: Copying simple actions like clapping hands or waving bye-bye
- Calming through co-regulation: Relaxing when picked up, smiling when a caregiver laughs.
- Observing play: Watching family members, siblings, or peers play is the first stage of play for children.
At What Age Does a Baby Play Social Games?
Babies start building social skills from birth, and social games help support this development at every stage.
What Is Social Play in Infants?
Social play is the everyday interactions babies have with caregivers and peers. This can be as simple as handing a toy back and forth and cooing at a sibling. Check out the social games in the post for fun ideas.
How to Help a Baby Be More Social
Responding to your baby’s smiles, cries, and gestures encourages them to be more social and feel valued.
If you have concerns about your baby’s social interactions, consider talking to your pediatrician or contacting your community’s early intervention services for an evaluation. In the United States, these services are free and provide essential support.
Final Thoughts
In the first year of life, infants build complex and essential social skills through interactions with peers and family members. However, the social games we can introduce to support them can be very easy. Adding fun social activities to daily routines at home and lesson plans in the classroom will help babies develop essential social skills.