activity list

Best Imagination Games for Imaginative, Creative Toddlers

Best Imagination Games for Imaginative, Creative Toddlers

Building imagination skills leads to a lifetime of creativity. Explore these 8 types of imagination games for toddlers and find the activities that will give your child a creative outlet. Each type of imagination game includes several play-based imaginative activities to use in the classroom or at home. What are Imagination Games? Imagination games are…

Child playing on a balance board during a sensory activity.

Vestibular and Proprioceptive Sensory-Seeking Play: What to Know

Updated: November 20, 2023 The vestibular and proprioceptive systems use sensory input to connect the body to the brain. These senses help the brain and body balance, coordinate movement, and respond to the environment. Key Points As a developmental therapist, I partner with occupational therapists to bring appropriate vestibular and proprioceptive sensory-seeking play into therapy…